I can help you create engaging instruction

Friendly, responsible, kind, down-to-earth, hard-working, mindful, and self-aware Wonder Woman fan is available for hire

Instructional Design Examples

7 Tips for Dealing with Violence in the Media

And whether we acknowledge it or not, these events negatively affect us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. All of this can take a toll. But there are some things you can do to help yourself move through this with grace and ease and get you back on track.

This doesn’t mean that you should forget what happened, but taking time to heal will help you adopt a better frame of mind from which to move forward. If we can get back to a heart-centered, balanced view of what is going on, we can begi

Videos I've Made

Educational Video

I made a set of educational videos about the content of my book, "Be the Dolphin" and this is one of those videos.

Meditation Video

This is a meditation video I put together a few years ago as a part of a website I created.

Wheel of Fortune Video

This video is just for fun. This was a video I submitted to try to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune a month or so ago. I did get a Zoom interview but sadly was not chosen for the show.